
I want you to read the impressive works of your classmates.
From now on, we will start our classes with some of the books you created.
Quiero que leáis los trabajos impresionantes de vuestros compañeros.
A partir de ahora, vamos a empezar nuestras clases con algunos de los libros que habéis creado.
Borja's comic
Mariola's book
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click on the picture |
In a comment answer the following questions:
En los comentarios, por favor, contestad las siguientes preguntas:
What was "the dragon" that Saint George fought in Borja's comic?
What monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola's book?
Now, the hardcore starts.
Ahora empieza el hardcore.
You'll watch the following video from the beginning until the end!
Many of you will think that you don't need it.
Although you feel that you already know all the stuff you'll see in the video,
you HAVE TO watch it!
¡Vas a ver el siguiente vídeo desde el principio hasta el final!
Muchos vais a pensar que no lo necesitáis.
Aunque te parezca que ya te lo sabes todo,
¡TIENES QUE verlo entero!
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click on the picture |
Look at the following document.
You can print it out or copy it on a sheet of paper.
Then cut it out.
Create as many affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences as you can.
Write them in your notebook.
Mira el siguiente documento.
Puedes imprimirlo o pasarlo a una hoja.
Crea tantas frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas cuantas puedas.
Escríbelas en tu cuaderno.
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click on the picture |
It's obligatory to leave a comment with 1 affirmative, 1 negative and 1 interrogative sentence!
¡Es obligatorio dejar un comentario con 1 frase afirmativa, 1 negativa y 1 interrogativa!
También os he respondido a vuestros comentarios de la clase del miércoles.
Por favor, ¡echadle un vistazo!
¡¡¡Sigo sin recibir algunas redacciones!!!
Les he escrito un correo por EDUCAMOS a los padres de todos aquellos que todavía no me han entregado la redacción.
Por favor, que vuestros padres miren el correo.
¡Sigo sin tener respuestas de ALGUNOS de vosotros en el QUIZ DE LOS VERBOS REGULARES!
Lo puse en la clase del miércoles pasado.
Solo si no lo hayas hecho, pincha en el siguiente enlace.
You'll do a Quiz on IRREGULAR VERBS on Wednesday.
It's compulsory to revise the verbs at Quizlet!
Vais a hacer otro Quiz sobre los verbos irregulares el próximo miércoles.
¡Es obligatorio repasar los verbos en Quizlet!
¡Mirad el menú a la izquierda. Hay varios juegos que podéis hacer!
I didn't jump on Saturday but I ran a lot on Sunday.
ResponderEliminarDid you study English during the weekend?
What was "the dragon" that Saint George fought in Borja's comic?
ResponderEliminarthe dragon was the coronavirusin Borja´s comics
What monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola's book?
there were witches, ghosts and werewoles in the hounted house
EliminarYou're missing one monster.
I jumped in my bed the last monday
ResponderEliminarI didn´t have to eat vegetables yesterday
Did you have the new console?
Agustín, muy bien el uso de los verbos!
EliminarLa expresión "last Monday" va siempre sin el determinante. Y los días de la semana siempre empiezan con mayúscula.
Mejor sería: "I jumped ON my bed." Supongo que no saltaste dentro de la cama...
I didn't have any console yesterday. I actually don't have any console at home :(
Vegetables are healthy!
I jumped on my bed
EliminarI didn´t have to eat vegetables yesterday
Did you have the new console?
Asi, verdad?
EliminarValentín, cuánto más, mejor ;)
ResponderEliminarIn Mariola's book There were witches, ghosts ,werewolves, pumpkins, vampires,spiders and bate.
ResponderEliminarYour list is pretty complete!
EliminarGood job.
Sorry Bats
ResponderEliminarEn los comentarios tengo en cuenta que a lo mejor los correctores lo cambian o que todavía no sabéis escribir en el teclado del todo bien. No te preocupes.
EliminarHAPPY BIRTHAY MARTA .¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
ResponderEliminarLUCÍA SÁNCHEZ.
I saw TV yesterday.
ResponderEliminarI didn't talk with my friend on friday.
Did you go for a walk on saturday?
Isabel, has usado los verbos muy bien!
EliminarLos días de la semana se escriben con mayúscula.
Yes, I went for a walk on Saturday! It was very nice.
Happy birthay Marta🎉🎉🎂🎁
ResponderEliminarI hat a book
ResponderEliminarIt wasn't increidible
Did you ejercise?
Malena, querías decir: "I had a book."?
EliminarI didn't exercise but I played a ball fight with my family. It was a lot of fun! We have 100 little soft balls and we ran around the flat. When you hit someone, that person had to stay still for 5 seconds and only then that person could continue playing the ball fight.
- The dragon was in the hospital
ResponderEliminar- There were witches, ghosts and werewolves
I went to the shopping
I didn't go to school
Did you go to the park?
Yes, the dragon was in the hospital. It was the coronavirus.
EliminarYou're missing one monster in the haunted house.
En la primera frase, ir de compras se dice: go shopping. Entonces tu oración sería: I went shopping.
And my answer to your question is:
I didn't go to the park but I went for a walk.
and Vampire
EliminarIn the Mariola’s cómic were vampires, witches ,spiders, gosth , and werewoles
ResponderEliminarShe didn’t play foootball
Kate lived in USA
Did Paul take the keys ? Yes she did
Your list of monsters is complete.
EliminarYour sentences are correct, good job.
But you have to put "the" before USA: Kate lived in the USA.
Paul is a boy. So the answer should be: Yes, he did.
I hat a book
ResponderEliminarI didn't go to the shop
Did you go to the school? No you did
Pablo, supongo que querías poner: I had a book.
EliminarCuidado con la respuesta corta!
No, you didn't.
Intenta usar la puntuación.
What was "the dragon" that Saint George fought in Borja's comic?
ResponderEliminarThe dragon was the Coronavirus in Borja´s comics.
What monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola's book?
Therevwere werewoles,ghosts,witches and vampires.
Very nice, Lucas!!!!
EliminarI played bádminton
ResponderEliminarI didn't eat chocolate
Did you go to walk
Tomás, you should say: Did you go for a walk?
EliminarMy answer is: Yes, I did.
Tomás, intenta usar la puntuación.
Feliz cumpleaños, Marta.
ResponderEliminarYa te lo he dicho en la página principal.
I'm waiting for the rest of the class.
ResponderEliminarI'd like to see your affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences!
I want to make sure you understand the past simple tense.
Erika Morales
ResponderEliminarHe didn´t play Badminton
Did You dance ballet on monday?
She went to the park
Perfecto, Erika!
EliminarMy answer is:
I didn't dance ballet on Monday. I played Just Dance.
I went supermarket yesterday
ResponderEliminarI didn't eat in the restaurant
She visited you parents?
By:Blanca Borrella Ríos
Blanca, la pregunta la podrías volver a hacer. Mira el esquema para las preguntas en el vídeo y úsalo para crear la pregunta.
Algo más había.
EliminarHello Jana.
ResponderEliminar- What was "the dragon" that Saint George fought in Borja's comic?
- The dragon was the Coronavirus in Borja´s comic.
- What monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola's book?
- There were witches ghosts, vampires...
Affirmative: Yesterday I played basketball with my brother.
Negative: Last week my parents didn´t cook any cakes.
Interrogative: Did you go to do the shopping yesterday evening?
Correct sentences! Good job!
EliminarMy answer is:
I didn't do the shopping yesterday evening. I did it on Saturday.
I didn´t ate pizza yesterday.
ResponderEliminarDid you went to the park yesterday?
I did play fortnite yesterday.
Felipe, las tres frases están mal.
EliminarObligatoriamente vas a ver mi vídeo otra vez. Desde el principio hasta el final.
Fijándote en los esquemas, vas a corregir estas tres oraciones.
Yesterday I ate pizza
ResponderEliminarHe dind't take a shower after the game
You went to the purchase yesterday?
Claudia, la pregunta no está bien formada.
EliminarVuelve a ver el vídeo y fíjate en el esquema de cómo se hacen las preguntas. Y corrígela.
Borja´s comic dragon is the coronavirus.
ResponderEliminarIn the hunted house of Maiola there witches,ghosts,vampires,pumpkins,spiders,bats and the bad of snow White.
He did'nt fly Yesterday
Did you play tennis on Monday?
I ate ice cream the weekend
Muy bien empleados los verbos!!!
EliminarI ate ice-cream at the weekend.
My answer: I didn't play tennis on Monday. I played football.
Very funny Jana!!!!
EliminarHehe, Soad, but I really played football with my three kids in the corridor of our flat. :D
ResponderEliminarUn Abrazo
What was the dragon that Saint George fought in Borja’s cómic?
ResponderEliminarIn Borja’s comic the dragon was the coronavirus
What monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola’s book?
There were witches, ghosts and werewolves
You're missing one.
EliminarThere were witches, ghosts and wolves.
ResponderEliminarThe dragon was coronavirus.
EliminarYesterday, l played videogames with my friends, but
ResponderEliminarI didn’t see to my grandmother.
Did you go to the park?
David, you should say: I didn't see my grandmother.
EliminarYou use the verbs in the past tense very well.
My answer:
I didn't go to the park.
There were vampires too.
EliminarHello Jana
ResponderEliminar-She ate pasta yesterday.(afirmative)
-I didn't live in the USA.(negative)
-Did he forget the keys? Yes, he did
Very nice, María José.
ResponderEliminar-I did play in the park
-She didn´t live in the Spain
-We take the keys? No,We didn´t
I like your comic Borja and I also liked Mariola´s Book
BYE Jana
EliminarTienes que ver el vídeo otra vez!!!
La afirmativa y la pregunta las tienes mal!
Fíjate bien en los esquemas!!!!
Y pon aquí tu corrección.
Affirmative:I like to take the dog for a walk
ResponderEliminarNegative:I don't like vanilla ice cream
Interrogative:What is your name?
Casilda, has visto el vídeo!?
EliminarHabía que usar las estructuras en el vídeo y hacer las frases según ellas.
Estamos dando el tiempo PASADO!
Por favor, mira otra vez el vídeo.
Además, las frases las tenías que crear con el documento que os he enviado. Había que pasarlo a una hoja y recortar. O imprimir y recortar.
Y una vez tuvieras los papelitos, crear las oraciones como un puzzle.
Por favor, mira el vídeo de nuevo desde el principio hasta el final y también pasa el documento que os he puesto a una hoja!
It was coronavirus. In mariola' s book there were witches, ghosts, werewolves and vampires
ResponderEliminarDid you play fortnite yesterday?
ResponderEliminarI didn't go for a walk yesterday
I stayed at home yesterday
Great!!! Good job, Luis!!!! I'm sooo happy you were able to use the verbs in the past tense!!!
EliminarMy answer: I didn't play fortnite yesterday.
The "dragon" was big in the comic´s Borja
ResponderEliminarIn the house were eleven monsters in the comic´s Mariola
ResponderEliminarshe studied English.
Did Lucy play bas ketball?
He didn`t cook in the kichen.
Very nice!!!!
Congratulations, Natalia!
Hello Jana
ResponderEliminarWhat was "the dragon" that Saint George fought in Borja's comic? .It was coronavirus
ResponderEliminarWhat monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola's book? There were witches, ghosts, werewolves
Very well, Isabel!
EliminarI ate rice yesterday.
ResponderEliminarI didn`t go to shopping yesterday.
Did you go to Port aventura last holidays?
Perfect use of the verbs!
EliminarMy answer:
No, I didn't.
I've never been to Port Aventura. I'd love to go!
I do a lot of homerwork yesterday.
ResponderEliminarI didn`t go to play basketball.
Did you go to a hospital last holidays ?
Lucía Sánchez
Lucía, se te ha olvidado poner el verbo en el pasado en la primera frase.
EliminarMy answer:
Luckily, I didn't go to hospital last holidays.
Thank Jana I will improve it.
Lucía Sánchez
Buenas tardes Jana!!! que tengas buena semana, un abrazo
ResponderEliminarWhat was "the dragon" that Saint George fought in Borja's comic?
The dragon was the coronavirus
What monsters were there in the haunted house in Mariola's book?
In the Mariola's book were witches, werewolves, ghosts and a vampire
Las frases:
-I read a book about Geronimo Stilton yesterday
-I didn´t fly in a balloon on Sunday
-Did you walk by the park on Saturday?
Great!!! Very well done!!!
EliminarShe did my sister
ResponderEliminarKate didn´t read a homework
They lived in the USA
OK. The verbs are usted well. Could you write a question too?
EliminarSolo una cosa. She did my sister - significa:ella hizo mi hermana. No sé si es lo que querías decir ;)
Lucía Alarcón
EliminarAffirmative: You jump in the park
Interrogative: Did you live in the USA? No, I didn't
Casi, casi, Lucía!!!
EliminarLa pregunta está muy bien.
Se te ha olvidado poner el verbo en la afirmativa al pasado. Es regular. Así que sería: jumped.
good afternoon
ResponderEliminarthe dragon that saint George fought wiht virus
we saw wihtches ghosts and werewolves
y ahora os dejo las frases
afirmativa, you lived in the usa
ResponderEliminarnegativa,you didn't live in the usa
interrogativa,did you live in the usa?
good bye espero que esteis todos bien un saludo🖐🖐🖐🖐
Great job, Blanca!
EliminarMy answer is: Yes, I did! I lived in San Francisco for 4 months.
ResponderEliminarShe didn't play football in the park on Sunday but she flew to Spain last week.
Did they forget the keys in a tent?
Very nice, Borja!!!
EliminarMy answer: I don't know of they forgot their keys in a tent.
She didn't play football in the park on Sunday but she flew to Spain last week.
ResponderEliminarDid they forget the keys in a tent?
Ya te he contestado arriba.
EliminarHello Jana. I'm sorry, I didn't write yesterday.
ResponderEliminarTim played computer games.
Did my sister read a book? Yes, she did.
I didn't jump in the park.
ResponderEliminarWas the coronavirus monster.
There were two vampires, a witch, an evil queen, a ghost and bats
No problem, Javier.
EliminarYou've got it right.
Normalmente no es tan obligatorio contestar en el comentario, pero ahora me quería asegurar que lo habéis pillado ;)
Hello Jana
ResponderEliminarI sentido to Italy last holidays affirmative
I didn't go to Hollywood negative
Dídac YouTube go Milán last year? Interrogative
Vero que te lo ha corregido el correctos automático, pero se puede ver que los verbos los has usado bien.
EliminarMuy bien, María Jasús!
Hello Jana, I´m Marcos. How are you?
ResponderEliminarPerdona que no haya puesto comentarios antes, pero solo puedo trabajar con la tablet y en ella no puedo mandar comentarios. Ahora estoy con un ordenador para poder enviártelos.
The dragon was the coronavirus
In the haunted house there were witches, ghosts and werewolves.
Paul didn´t walk in the park
She lived in the USA
Did my sister eat pasta?
No te preocupes, se comprende.
EliminarTotalmente correcto todo.
Me alegro.
Esta vez solo quería asegurarme que hayáis comprendido el pasado simple.
Si no lo pido de manera obligatoria, no es necesario que dejes los comentarios mientras trabajas ;)