Hello everybody!
In no time, you'll finish the race!
¡Ya queda poco para terminar la carrera!
(Pongo el enlace al vídeo para aquellos que trabajan con una tablet
y a lo mejor no les salen los vídeos dentro del blog.
Si tuviste este problemas con los vídeos el viernes,
ya están puestos los enlaces a los vídeos.)
¡Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios, chicos!
¡Me habéis alegrado el viernes!
Me alegro de que os gusten mis clases.

First, we will revise the verb "to be".
Primero vamos a repasar el verbo "ser".

Play the following game:
Juega el siguiente juego:

Para el siguiente juego necesitas conocer la palabra mild = templado.
To talk about the weather, we use adjectives and nouns.
Para hablar del tiempo, usamos: adjetivos y sustantivos.
Classify the following words. Are they nouns or adjectives?
Clasifica las siguientes palabras. ¿Son sustantivos o adjetivos?
Look at the examples below.
What do you use with the nouns?
What do you use with the adjectives?
Mira los ejemplos abajo.
¿Qué se usa con los sustantivos?
¿Qué se usa con los adjetivos?
There's a lot of wind in England.
It's always sunny in Spain.

Entonces a partir de ahora nada de:
It's windy.
Play the following game:
Por ahora nos vamos a olvidar de los sustantivos para describir el tiempo.
Así que sobre todo recuerda:
It's sunny.
It's windy.
It's snowy.
It's cloudy.
It's cold.
It's hot.
It's freezing.
Page 71, activity 1.

In your notebook write what you should wear each day.
En el cuaderno escribe qué deberías llevar puesto cada día.
You should wear boots on Monday.
Page 71, watch the video in the activity 2.
Visualiza el vídeo en la actividad 2.
Listen and repeat.
Escucha y repite.
![]() |
click on the picture |
We use BE + GOING TO + INFINITIVE to talk about future.
Usamos BE + GOING TO + INFINITIVO para hablar sobre el futuro.
Page 71, activity 1:
Copy the table into your notebook.
Copia la tabla en tu cuaderno.

¡Sigo sin enterarme, Jana!
Pues, para hablar de nuestros planes para el futuro, usamos la expresión
"be going to".
Tengo que recordar 3 cosas:
1 + 2 + 3
I'm (not) + going to + infinitive.
I'm (1) going to (2) swim (3) in the sea.
I'm (1) going to (2) travel (3) around the world.
I'm not (1) going to (2) travel (3) to Slovakia this summer.
I'm not (1) going to (2) run (3) a marathon.

Page 71, activity 2.
Page 71, activity 3.
First, write your plans into your notebook,
then leave me a COMMENT with some of your plans.
Escribe tus planes primero en tu cuaderno,
luego me dejas un COMENTARIO con algunos de tus planes.
Te los puedes inventar ;)

Os presento una novedad en nuestras clases de inglés.
Es el chat que véis a continuación.
Será más ágil que los comentarios.
Los comentarios los seguiremos usando para las tareas asignadas. Como el punto 9.
El chat es para que podáis hablar un poquito
sobre todo para que podáis preguntar dudas de manera más directa.
Comunicamos siempre de forma educada.
Lo escrito, escrito está, ¡cuidado con eso!
Únicamente nos decimos cosas amables, NUNCA ofendemos a los demás.
Si alguien abusa del chat de cualquier manera, lo bloqueo directamente.
Yo siempre entraré en el chat sobre las 12:40,
los días que tenemos clase: lunes, miércoles, viernes.
El resto del tiempo echaré un vistazo para vigilar un poco.
Al enviar el primer mensaje,
cambia tu nombre e imagen
pinchando sobre el nombre que se te ha puesto por defecto.
¡Es obligatorio poner tu propio nombre!
Escribes tu nombre
si quieres cambiar la imagen, entonces pincha en la que prefieras.
Pincha en OK.
Cómo activar el Flash Player en dos pasos:
I'm going to comment your homework on Monday.
ResponderEliminarI'm going to go for a walk on Tuesday.
I'm going to play Just Dance on Wednesday.
I'm going to eat ice cream on Thursday.
I'm going to meet Justin Bieber on Friday.
I'm going to sing with Justin Bieber in a concert on Saturday.
I'm going to swim in the sea on Sunday.
Hello Jana!!!
ResponderEliminarI'm going to study English on Monday.
I'm going to ride a bike on Tuesday.
I'm going to walk with my mother on Wednesday.
I'm going to play tennis with my father on Thursday.
I'm going to play with my sister on Friday.
I'm meeting my friends over the weekend
EliminarGreat plans for the week!
I'm going to meet with my friends over the weekend.
EliminarMeeting friends is the best thing in the world.
Erika Morales
EliminarHello Jana, Estoy intentando escribir en los comentarios pero cada vez que voy a darle a enviar se me borra asi que te pregunto que si lo puedo hacer en el cuaderno porfavor?
Un saludo
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarComo entro en el chat??
ResponderEliminarDirectamente escribes en el espacio abajo.
EliminarErika Morales
EliminarCreo que solo se puede entrar si tienes permitido adoble flass
No te entiendo Jana
EliminarPablo, mira otra vez el blog.
EliminarHe puesto como activar el flash player
Yes! I'll see you in September! :D
ResponderEliminarI am going to study English on Monday.
ResponderEliminarI am going to the park to walk on Tuesday
I am going to watch a film with my family on Wednesday
I am going to see my grandparents on Thursday
I am going to video call my parents and my friends on Friday
I am going to stay at home with my family at the weekend
Good job, Lucas!
EliminarBuenos días Jana que tal ??? como se entra en el chat????Gracias
ResponderEliminarPABLO JEREZ
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHi Jana!!!
ResponderEliminarI'm going to study English on Monday.
I'm going to meet with my friends on Tuesday.
I'm going to play basketball on Wednesday.
I'm going to play computer with my sister on Thursday.
I'm going to relax on Friday.
I'm going to relax on Friday too.
EliminarI’m not going to go to a restaurant on Monday.
ResponderEliminarI’m going to watch a film on Tuesday.
I’m not going to play with my friends on Wednesday.
I’m going to swim with my brother this afternoon.
I’m going to visit my grandmother on Saturday.
I’m going to by a present for my mother on Friday.
Is it going to be your mum's birthday?
EliminarNo, it’s because I love her.
EliminarNo, it’s because I love her.
EliminarHow nice!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarI am going to study English on Monday.
ResponderEliminarI am going to ride a bike on Tuesday.
I am going to J.BALVIN´s conciert on Wednesday.
I am going wacht "HOUSE OF PAPAER" with my sister.
I am going play fortnite on Friday
EliminarGood plan, Luis.
EliminarUNIOOOOOOSSS CHICOS A LA CONVERSACION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarIam going to study English on monday
ResponderEliminarIam going to play basketball on tuesday
Iam going to ride a bike with my friends on wednesday
Iam going to wacth a horror films
and I play fortnite on friday.
Good job, Javier!
EliminarWrite the days of the week with capital letters. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday....
I’m goin to dance on Monday
ResponderEliminarI’m goin to cook on the Tuesday
I’m goin to bathe on the pool in the Weansday
I’m goin to play baskball on the Thursday
I’m goin to Tali forma mi friends in Friday
Quería poner Talk for
EliminarMaría Jesús, si escribes de manera correcta, tienes que escribir going. ¡Con la g al final!
EliminarI'm going to make a cake
EliminarHello Jana,
ResponderEliminarI'm going to play videogames on Monday.
I'm going to talk with my friend on Tuesday.
I'm going to buy with my mother on Wednesday.
I'm going to take a walk on Thursday.
I'm going to play with my dog on friday.
Nice plan!
EliminarI'm going to go for a walk too!
Hello everyone, good morning:
ResponderEliminarOn Monday I'm going to play basketball.
On Tuesday I'm going to watch a terror film.
On Wednesday I'm going to play board games all day.
On Thursday I'm going to take my dog for a walk.
On Friday I'm going to do a big chocolate cake.
On Saturday I'm going to train very hard.
On Sunday I'm not going to do anything.
Nacer nada: do nothing ;)
EliminarI like your plans for the week.
Hello Jana,
ResponderEliminarI'm going to play basketball on Monday.
I'm going to talk to my friends about hangouts on Tuesday.
I'm going to a walk whith my parents on Wednesday.
I'm going to pool with my friends on Thursday.
I'm going to a trip whith my fammily to China on Friday.
Lucía Sánchez
That's an exciting plan!
EliminarHello Jana;i'm Alberto:
ResponderEliminarOn monday i'm going to do me homerwork.
On tuesday i'm going to cook.
On wednesday i'm going to swim in me pool.
On thursday i'm going to watch a film.
On friday i'm going to play video games with me brother.
On saturday and sunday i'm going to eat pizza.
Mmmmm, I love pizza!!!
EliminarAlberto: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... Always star with a capital letter.
"I" is always capital too.
Con los sustantivos "There's" y con los adjetivos "It's".
ResponderEliminarPor eso me decías que hoy lo veríamos.
Sí, por eso.
EliminarEs que es un poco lioso. Pero de momento lo de los sustantivos para el futuro lo dejamos, porque os liaríais.
On Monday I'm going to eat pasta
ResponderEliminarOn Tuesday I'm going to cook an apple cake
On Wednesday I'm going to swim in my pool
On Thursday I'm going to watch tv
On Friday I'm going to a walk whith my parents and my sister
On Saturday I'm going to play tennis
Very good plans, Mariola. I want to join your plans.
EliminarOk, Jana me encantaría. 😘
EliminarHi Jana!!!(Exercise 1º page 71)
ResponderEliminarOn Monday it's rainy all day.
On Tuesday it's cloudy.
On Wednesday it's windy and cold.
On Thursday and on friday it's thunderstorm and lightning.
On Saturday it's very different weather than the Thurday and Friday because it's sunny and hot.
On Sunday it's rainy and sunny.
On Friday THERE'S a thunderstorm and lightning.
EliminarAunque había que poner qué es lo que deberías ponerte:
EliminarYou should wear boots.
You should wear swimsuit...
Ahhhh, vale lo siento Jana.
EliminarMuy chulo el video, gracias.
ResponderEliminarMe alegro que os guste!!
EliminarBuenas tardes Jana
ResponderEliminar- I'm going to do my homework on Monday
- I'm going to ride a bike on Tuesday
- I'm going to watch a film in the cinema on Wednesday
- I'm going to play the Nintendo Switch on Thursday
- I'm going to read a book on Friday
- I'm going to eat pizza on Saturday
- I`m going to play football on Sunday
Que tengas buena semana Jana, un abrazo
GREAT JOB, Gabriel!!!!
EliminarHave a nice week too!!!
I´m going to go the tennis club when the quarantine is over.
ResponderEliminarI´m going to swim in the beach when we go to phase three.
I´m going to back to shool las year.
I´m going to see my friends on july.
I´m going to walk through the field.
Very nice, Borja!!!
EliminarWe're going to go back to school NEXT school year ;)
I'm going to play football on thursday
ResponderEliminarI'm going to see my family on friday
Very nice, Luis!!!
EliminarThe days of the week always start with a capital letter: Thursday, Friday.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarThank you Janna
ResponderEliminarOn Monday I'm going to do my homework.
ResponderEliminarOn Tuesday I'm going to ride a horse.
On Wednesday I'm going to celebrate my friend birthday.
On Thursday I'm going to visit my cousin.
On Friday I'm going to walk.
On Saturday I'm going to swim.
On Sunday I'm going to visit my aunt.
GREAT JOB, Isabel!
EliminarBuenas noches Jana lo siento por enviar el comentario tan tarde, SORRY
ResponderEliminarOn Monday i'm going to ride in the bike
On Tuesday i'm not going to play basketball
On Wednesday i'm going to walk for the dog
On Thursday i'm not going to run
On Friday i'm going to ride a horse
On Saturday i'm not going to fly a kite
On Sunday i'm going to play football
Very nice, Blanca!!!
EliminarCuidado! La pirmera persona singular: I se escribe SIEMPRE mayúscula.