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Saint Francis loved Virgin Mary.
First of all, do the interview quiz if you couldn't do it on Monday.
Antes que nada, haz el quiz con la entrevista si no lo pudiste hacer el lunes.
Ya he cambiado la configuración y lo podéis hacer sin registraros.
The questions are:
1. How could Ela change back to mermaid?
2. Did the alien monster eat Pepe?
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Today, we'll revise, revise and revise.
Hoy vamos a repasar, repasar y repasar.
Page 69 in the Activity Book.
Page 85 number 1 and 2.
Number 3 is self-evaluation.
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Page 86.
Activity number 3 is self-evaluation.
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En las dos primeras páginas que os pongo a continuación
vais a ver el resumen del pasado simple.
Bajando aparecen dos barras con la palabra Game.
Cuando pinchas en la barra, se despliega el juego.
Vais a jugar los dos juegos en las dos páginas.
Para poder jugar a lo mejor os va a pedir activar el Flash Player.
Abajo os pongo como activarlo en Chrome, pero será similar en otros navegadores.
On Friday you'll do a Quiz on the past simple tense.
El viernes tendréis un Quiz sobre el pasado simple.
Cómo activar el Flash Player en dos pasos:
1- She realized that pearl has become two beatifull mermaid tail shaped earing. If she put them on, she would become a mermaid.
ResponderEliminar2 No, the mustruo did´nt eat Pepe. Heverything has been a dream.
Very well done!
EliminarJana quise decir didn´t
EliminarValentín, siempre tienes una mal. No estoy segura si te hayas leído el libro sobre la sirenita hasta el final... Además la pregunta era How... Entonces no se puede contestar con sí o no!
ResponderEliminarHaces las cosas deprisa y corriendo en vez de ir a la precisión.
1. How could Ela change back to mermaid?
ResponderEliminarShe put a pair of earring on her.
2. Did the alien monster eat Pepe?
No It didn't.
Great, Isabel!
Eliminar1. How could Ela change back to mermaid?
ResponderEliminarShe put a pair of pearl on her earrings and jumped into the sea then she transforms in mermaid.
2. Did the alien monster eat Pepe?
In the end he didn´t eat him because the aliens protects him
I don't think the alien protected him in the end. He simply disappeared because he woke up.
EliminarNice, Lara.
1. How could Ela change back to mermaid?
ResponderEliminarShe would become a mermaid if she put a pair of earrings on her ears
2. Did the alien monster eat Pepe?
No, the monster didn´t eat Pepe
How could ELA change back to mermaid?
ResponderEliminarWhit one pair of earings
Did the alíen monster eat Pepe?
No, He didn't
She became a mermaid because the pearl had become Two earrings
ResponderEliminarHe didn’t eta it was a dream
Hola Jana que es el quiz
ResponderEliminarLos quiz son los cuestionarios. Ahora no sé por cuál preguntas.
EliminarEl de hoy es la entrevista que tuviste que hacer el lunes, pero algunos no lo hicieron entonces lo tienen que hacer hoy.
Hay que pinchar en el dibujo que pone quiz y te sale. Y vas rellenando.
EliminarEl viernes habrá otro. Sobre el pasado simple.
Eliminar1- How could Ela change back to mermaid ?
ResponderEliminarShe would become a mermaid if she put on the earrings.
2- Did the alien monster eat Pepe ?
The alien monter didn't eat Pepe.
Lucía Sánchez
Very nice, Lucía
ResponderEliminar1- How could Ela change back to mermaid? Ela was changed in a human.
2- Did the alien Monster eat Pepe? No, he didn't because be a dream.
Because it was a dream.
EliminarNumber 1 is not really correct.
Sorry : No, it didn't
ResponderEliminarHow could Ela change back to mermaid?
ResponderEliminarEla had to put on the earrings.
Did the alien monster eat Pepe?
No, he didn’t.
How Could Ela changa black yo mermaid?
ResponderEliminarSe Could be a mermaid wearing some earrings
Did the ali en monster eat Pepe?
No,he didn't
Blanca Borrella Ríos
Yes, that's true.
EliminarQuestion 1 :She realized that pearl became into two beatifull mermaids.
ResponderEliminarQuestion 2: No, he didn't eat Pepe.
Your first answer doesn't answer the question.
EliminarEla put on the earrings
ResponderEliminarThe monster didn´t eat Pepe.
BYE Jana and I send my interview.
Great, god job, Luis!
EliminarLa respuesta a la pregunta 1 es: If she put the earrings on.
ResponderEliminarLa respuesta a la pregunta 2 es: The monster didn't eat pepe, because it was a dream
1 She put the earrings of her
ResponderEliminar2 No he have a dream
No, he had a dream.
EliminarOK, Felipe.
1 with her earrings
ResponderEliminar2 no he didn't
Good answers!
EliminarRespuesta pregunta 1.
ResponderEliminarIf she puts on earrings.
Respuesta pregunta 2:
The alien monter didn't eat Pepe.
Un abrazo Jana.
Well done, Gabriel!
EliminarUn abrazo!